The Fourth international scientific conference in the “Dialogues on China” format was organized on October 10-11, 2024, by the Institute of International Politics and Economics (IIPE) and the Institute of European Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (IES CASS). Held under the title “Harvesting the Winds of Change: China and the Global Actors”, was opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, H.E. Marko Đurić and included more than 80 participants from 27 countries over 11 panels.
The second day of the conference was titled COMPASS day and started with a welcome speech and special presentation of the project COMPASS by Principal Investigator Dr. Ivona Lađevac. Dr. Katarina Zakić, a COMPASS team member, gave a keynote speech on the COMPASS day the topic “Serbian development path of FDIs – Navigating between the EU and China”.
Additionally, a special panel titled “Innovation practices in foreign policy research – COMPASS Project” was devoted to the results of the project and saw five presentations by project team members who presented their current research within the COMPASS framework. Ivona Lađevac spoke on the topic “Serbia and China: From strategic partnership towards community with shared future”, Nenad Stekić’s subject was “The COMPASS Dataset: A new approach to indexing Serbia’s policy trends”, Branislav Đorđević and Pavle Nedić presented their research on “Serbia’s security relations with the EU and China in the evolving international environment”, Sanja Filipović spoke on the subject of “Serbia between China and the EU: Analysis of foreign trade commodities exchange”, and Aleksandar Mitić presented “A decade of Serbia’s EU accession process: Implications for Sino-Serbian political relations”.